Employee Performance Appraisals / Reviews
more info on our online Performance Appraisal Software
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The conducting of Performance
Appraisals/Reviews is something most managers and
supervisors do not look forward to. |
This is mostly due to their
previous bad experiences with it, either as an Appraisee,
"receiving" an Appraisal, or as an Appraisor,
having to "assess" staff members and dealing
with differences of opinion and conflict during
the Performance Appraisal. |
Conducting a constructive Performance
Appraisal is not easy. There are certain steps,
crucial principles and "soft" skills involved
that need to be mastered. |
A Performance Appraisal consists
of two parts: |
PERFORMANCE: A "backward"
look at how well previously set Goals, Objectives
and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were
achieved, and specified Competencies demonstrated
- and the factors that affected their achievement. |
A "forward" look at new Goals/Objectives/KPIs
to be achieved during the next performance
period. |
Three STAGES are involved: |
STAGE 1: Preparing
for the Appraisal |
STAGE 2: Conducting
the Appraisal (FIVE Steps) |
STAGE 3: Following
Up |
The process of conducting Performance
Appraisals/Reviews that we subscribe to is aligned
with the latest thinking on the topic, including
the role of the line manager as "facilitator"
during the appraisal interview, as well as the participative
nature of productive appraisals. |
The Appraisal Smart online Performance
Appraisal Software technology reduces the subjective
nature of Performance Reviews significantly, leading
to more constructive and productive interviews -
interviews that both Appraisee and Appraisor can
even look forward to. |
to conduct a successful performance appraisal